Monday, September 12, 2011

Street Style: Bill Cunningham by Diana Ghiglieri

"We all get dressed for Bill."- Anna Wintour

The most fashionable people aren't necessarily the ones wearing all the designer names and top trends...sometimes just being yourself and wearing what shows off the inner you makes you the most fashionable of all... no one has shown this better than the iconic Bill Cunningham...this 80-something bike riding phenomenom is truly a gem. You may not know his name but you have no doubt seen his work as the "original"street style photographer of NY (and still is). His pictures have graced the Sundays’ New York Times Style Section where he chronicles fashion trends in his On The Street column, and the social city scene in Evening Hours for decades. His photography has no doubt influenced every blogger and fashionista wanna-be, and while his story may not be flashy bulbs and paparazzi it's oh-so relevant and refreshing just the same...if you missed it the first time or never heard about it get on netflix and rent the thing already!

Check out the trailer for Bill Cunningham New York and get inspired!

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