Monday, August 22, 2011

Street Style: London to Tokyo. Punk influence remains strong by Miguel Martinez

I couldn't resist starting street style with one of my favorite influences from the streets Punk! Starting out as the social dress for working class and poor subcultres back in late 70's/early 80's. It's style today has become so comercialized it's seen in every big city in the world. Within punk alone there are so many different styles that derive from art movements and music .Some but not all types include anarcho, street, psychobilly/greaser, oil/ska, hardcore, skate, and even pop punk (how ironic haha). It's amazing it all began in the UK as a way for youth to make a statement using their clothes. The images showcase some current street styles from British and Japanese youth where its easy to see the influence. Finshing with some designer runway to clearly show how cyclical our industry really is. 

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